Saturday, January 22, 2011


Back from another gym session, I'll be going to EA now instead of Forever because my 1month christmas card ended at forever, and I got a "free" card to EA because of the MMA.

Pros/Cons with EA

+ more space
+ more warmup stuff
+ more machines (not that I really care)
+++ more squat racks/benches and free weights

- harder to get there in the winter (no convenient buses, walking is faster)
- lots of screaming kids hanging around at HopLop (btw why didn't this stuff exist when I was a kid!? It looks fucking awesome)

Aaaanyways, the training went really good. I'm back on track with Rippetoe's 3x5 and it feels better than SL 5x5.

-Squat: 3x5x85kg (2.5kg increase)

-Standing Military Press: 3x5x35kg (5kg increase)

I also started doing Power Cleans, but I still have to learn the technique better so I went light:


Also, I'm doing a little "experiment". I've started buying full milk (3,5%)  instead of light milk (1,5%). It has more calories and more fat, so I'll see how it goes.

PS. I found my mma gear that i forgot yesterday!
PS2. My hands are blistered and I have a couple of bruises on my legs. Yay!

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