Sunday, January 30, 2011


Worst. Training. Ever.

Failed like 3 reps combined on the squat

Squat: 3 x 92.5kg x 5 (first set complete, second 4 reps and third 3 reps...)

Bench: 3 x 52.5kg x 5 (reduced weight)

Deadlift: 2 x 80kg x 5 (I'm not even gonna talk about this, 10kg drop to maintain correct form)

Okay so what did I learn? Eating 5 cheeseburgers and going to sleep at 05.00 the night before you lift is not a good idea...

Well, well. I learned my lesson and next time I'm gonna do better! Never give up.

There are up's and downs. Somedays you're a god of steel. Otherdays you're a piece of shit who needs to go flog yourself with a phone cord for doing so fucking shitty in the gym. What matters is that you put in the hurt. Don't forget the commitment you made to yourself, and always remember that each time you set foot in the gym is a chance to get bigger, stronger, and more powerful. Do what you will with that opportunity. One thing you must never, ever do, is underestimate yourself, or what you can achieve if you really give it your all.
          - Carnal from

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