Thursday, March 31, 2011


First workout in a while that felt great =)

Squats: 3 x 92.5kg x 5 (Completed all reps, good form, no pain or anything. Feels like I can finally progress again.)

SMP: 3 x 42.5kg x 5 (5-4-4 or smth similar)

Power cleans: 3 x 52.5kg x 5 (Went really great, felt easy, good form, steady tempo. Going to proceed to 55kg next workout. Also it's my favourite exercise.)

+ chinups, dips

Oh and I met a guy that i befriended a little.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Just chipping in some stats from Monday.

Squat: 3 x 90kg x 5 (terrible form, can't low-bar squat for my life... back to high-bar squats next time)

Bench press: 3 x 55kg x 5 (dropped 5kg, gonna work it up past 60kg now)

Deadlift: 3 x 90kg x 5 (drop -> work it up past 100kg)

+ dips, chinups, abs

Friday, March 25, 2011

MMA 25.3.2011

Just have to write down this awesome moment, did my first "jump from back to feet". And I just did it without thinking after sparring, you should have seen my face =D

edit: Just found out it's called a "kip up". Youtube it =)

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Shitty session, don't know what went wrong...

Leg press: 3 x 130kg x 12

SMP: 1 x 42.5kg x 4
          2 x 40kg x 4

Power clean: 1 x 52.5kg x 4
                     2 x 50kg x 5

+ dips, chinups, abs

Well, well. Just ate a ~2000 kcal meal, I'm stuffed. 1l milk, protein shake + pizza.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Leg press: 3 x 130kg x 12

Bench press: 3 x 60kg x 5 (4-3-3)

Deadlift: 1 x 90kg x 5

+ chinups, dips

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Squat: random mess of low rep 95kg/100kg squats...

SMP: 1 x 42.5kg x 5
          1 x 42.5kg x 4
          1 x 42.5kg x 2

Power cleans: 3 x 52.5kg x 5, best exercise today, got a little dizzy because of the effort!

+ dips, chinups

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Osgood-Schlatter disease - Why my knee sucks

Okay so these aren't pictures of my knee(s), but it looks similar.  Basically it's a knee condition that young athletes tend to get. Got it when I was like 12 and played football during a growth spurt.
The condition occurs in active boys and girls aged 9–16[2] coinciding with periods of growth spurts. It occurs more frequently in boys than in girls, with reports of a male-to-female ratio ranging from 3:1 to as high as 7:1. It has been suggested the difference is related to a greater participation by boys in sports and risk activities than by girls.
It's a dent under my right knee and it's sore and sometimes when I walk up the stairs or something similar a sudden pain just stings in it. Shit sucks. And it's always sore after training. And I cant sit on my right knee. Fun stuff!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Inspirational post from

Remember brothers and are never truly alone in this battle. When your friends snicker at you for microwaving your sweet potato and eating your bland chicken just remember...out there somewhere someone is doing the same thing. Your not bulking by yourself. Your 6 meals a day are enjoyed with hundreds of others. When your head is buried in the toilet from the heavy squats your not alone. A faceless friend somewhere in this world with their head buried in a poreclain bowl.

When you think you can't push anything heavier, there is someone sitting on a bench thinking the same thing. And there is another one terrified of the weight bearing down on them. But like you they are courageous enough to push out of the hole before the iron death takes them.

When my parents laugh at me for measuring out my meals at dinner. When my friends tease me for refusing a beer because I am trying to keep a deficit and don't wanna screw what little gains I've made week by week. When the lady at the store stares at me for having a cart consisting of 50lbs of chicken, 15lbs of sweet potatoes, 20lbs of rice, and more frozen veggies than thought humanly possible. And most of all when I'm contemplating walking the rest of my nightly run, when I'm puking my guts out from HIIT. I remember that somewhere out there is a person just like me. Struggling to make something of themselves. A man tired of being laughed at for being flabby. A girl embarassed to walk down the beach in a bikini. A scrawny nothing tired of the snears of girls. And that's when I realize I can't stop. Because if I don't do it then that is one less bit of support that "my friends" will have. If I don't push myself then how will they push themselves when they wanna give up?

Embrace your lifestyle friends. Rejoice. Never think that you are alone. Yes your friends of 20 years may laugh and tease you for looking pudgy while bulking, or turning down pizza curls while cutting, just remember. You will never truly be a loner. And think about the jealousy they will have when you go to spring break ripped. Ladies when your feeling that urge to pig out on rocky road because your bff is depressed over a boy, remember how good it will feel when you step onto the beach or wiggle into a smaller pair of pants and every guy is impressed from such a physique. I am not fat. You are not fat. We are brothers and sisters made of the same mold. That jiggle is not because we fail at diets and exercise, it is a sign that we cannot quit. That we cannot give up. We are a family. We must stick together and fight the peer pressure. We must be our unique selves.

Fight on. Eat with your brain...train with your heart...and most importantly never forget your goals.


Not going to the gym today, I realized I have to let my back rest. If it recovers well I'll maybe go on Thursday.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Back strain from sunday, went light.

Squat: 3 x 95kg x 5

Bench Press: 3 x 60kg x 5 (4-4-3)

Deadlift: 1 x 100kg x 5

Thursday, March 10, 2011


School ended at 16, went to the gym straight after that, came home 19.45. Tired.

Squat: 3 x 95kg x 5

SMP: 3 x 42.5kg x 5

Power Clean: 3 x 50kg x 5

+ pullups, dips

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Squat: 4 x 90kg x 5

Bench Press: 2 x 60kg x 5 (4-3)

Deadlift: 1 x 100kg x 5


It's 00:31 and I'm excited for tomorrows workout. Did anyone say motivated to the max? =)

Also, yay for 11.05 morning!

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Squat: 3 x 102.5kg x 5 (5-2-3)

SMP: 3 x 42.5kg x 5

Power clean: 3 x 50kg x 5

+ pullups, dips

Some guy commented the squat/deadlift form and it really got me thinking. I've now read up and watched lots of videos and on Tuesday I'm gonna do some experimenting.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Last two workouts went absolutely perfect, so you know what's incoming. The shitty week(s) when you've raised the work sets and miss a lot of reps. Oh well. The pain you feel today is the strength you'll feel tomorrow.

Squat: 3 x 102.5kg x 5  (5-3-3)

Bench Press: 3 x 57.5kg x 5 (5-5-4, went surprisingly well!)

Deadlift: 1 x 105kg x 1
              1 x 102.5kg x 3

Yelle - Que Veux Tu (Madeon Remix) by Madeon

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Squat: 3 x 100kg x 5

SMP: 3 x 42.5kg x 5 (5 reps missed; 4 - 3 - 3)

Power clean: 3 x 47.5kg x 5

Sunday 100kg deadlift, full set
Today 100kg squat, full sets

Fuck yeah.